In a time when libraries are supporting people seeking sanctuary more than ever, this webinar will introduce the Libraries of Sanctuary toolkit and explore good practice from libraries who have achieved Libraries of Sanctuary recognition.
As libraries and bookshops navigate ways to re-open safely and engage with their readers, the Librarians’ Virtual Toolkit explores the relationship between the sector's various reading offers and mental health.
Libraries Connected held a Universal Library Offer Seminar online on Tuesday 15 June, over 1000 people booked to join the event from over 90 different library services.
Over the next few months, our Future Funding programme will be holding a series of webinars aimed at Heads of Service and those with business development responsibility within the library service.
Over the past 12 months Haringey, Worcestershire and Leicestershire Libraries have tested out the potential for offering library services the chance to draw on support from an 'expert bank'.
We’re back! Our 2021 Annual Seminar titled, Libraries: An essential part of local recovery, will take place on 19 – 20 October at Wyboston Lakes, a stunning new venue for us in Bedfordshire.