Online Meeting: Local Government Reorganisation

10 February 2025 14:00 - 15:30
Many councils are exploring reorganisation in response to the Government’s new policies. This may have major consequences for the structure of library services and their delivery, so Libraries Connected wants to explore how we can best support library services through this proves.
The meeting is for HoS or their nominated representatives, as confidential information may be shared.
At the meeting we will:
· share what we know of the emerging picture,
· identify any existing expertise, including those who have been through council reorganisation
· discuss what support Libraries Connected should provide:
- peer group for those going through the process
- webinars/online sessions to share news and advice - including sharing wisdom from libraries that have been through the process in recent years
- close work with LGA, CCN et al to try to get messages in at a high level so that libraries are properly included in strategic and operational planning
- create simple guidance for local govt and guidance / checklists for HoS
- liaison with ACE about implications for accreditation and library funding
- liaison with Sheila Bennett to understand what role DCMS superintendence will play and what level of needs analysis and consultation will be necessary
Member Only Event - For Heads of Service or their nominated representative.