Call for case studies - advocacy toolkit
Libraries Connected is developing an advocacy toolkit for heads of library services – a guide to making the case for libraries to councillors, senior council officers and commissioners. The toolkit will give library leaders – particularly those new in post – solid advice and tips to help them raise the priority of libraries within their authority, open up funding opportunities and build a more resilient and sustainable service.
The toolkit will be based on practical examples, so we are seeking case studies that show how library leaders can successfully advocate for their service. We are particularly looking for case studies that demonstrate the importance of relationship-building - with members (particularly portfolio holders), senior officers or leaders of other services across the authority. Although we want examples of good practice, we are also keen to hear about the challenges you faced and how you overcame them so that others may benefit from the lessons you learned.
Case studies could include:
- Pursuing a new approach to communicating the impact of your library service
- Using data and evidence in a new way to make the case for libraries
- Building strong, long-term mutually beneficial relationships with portfolio holders
- Forming partnerships with other departments within your authority to attract new funding
- Aligning your service’s strategy with corporate priorities
- Supporting staff and volunteers to become advocates for your service
- Demonstrating that the library service can be best placed to deliver essential services, eg public health
Ideally we are looking for new approaches that have had a measurable impact, eg protection from budget cuts, increased funding/income or decreased costs.
Submitting your case study
Please submit your case study using this form
You will be asked for:
- You name
- Job title / position
- Email address
- Name of library service/local authority
- Suggested title for case study
- Summary of case study (max 50 words)
- Description of the project / initiative / approach (max 750 words)
- Key lessons learned (max 100 words)
If you have problems completing the form, or have any questions, please contact