Bolinda funds bursaries to Libraries Connected Annual Seminar 2024
Libraries Connected is very pleased to acknowledge that Bolinda is funding ten bursaries to the Annual Seminar for 2024.
The bursaries were open to any Head of Service or equivalent who is part of Libraries Connected’s support programme for library services facing financial challenges.
Bolinda is a leading provider of digital library lending in the UK and Ireland. Its BorrowBox app is deployed widely by public libraries across the world, allowing customers easy access to a huge range of ePress, eBooks and eAudiobooks on their smart devices. More than 3,000 public and school libraries globally use Bolinda’s library services.
Bolinda’s commitment to user-friendly library tools and its aim of spreading the joy of storytelling through innovative and accessible digital technology make it an ideal sponsor for these bursaries, at a time when public library services across the UK are coming under increasing financial pressure due to serious reductions in local government spending.
Bolinda’s funding will cover the cost of attending the full two days of the seminar, accommodation, and a contribution towards travel costs.
Bolinda said:
We are delighted to be working with Libraries Connected to support a conference bursary initiative this year, an initiative that enables us to extend our support of library employees in a very real and meaningful way. Library teams continue to impress everyone with their resilience and the many ways in which they manage to continue to support their local communities with essential services, such as their digital content provision, despite very tough financial challenges. We are looking forward to seeing all our library partners at the conference this year.
A Libraries Connected bursary recipient said:
Thanks for providing the opportunity to apply for one of the bursaries – this is a fabulous idea and absolutely one of the ways in which we should be enabling library services who are experiencing tricky times stay connected with their colleagues when that is needed now more than ever.
Libraries Connected wishes to place on record its great thanks to Bolinda for its sustained commitment to championing public librarians during this difficult time for the sector.