Libraries Connected Annual Seminar 2024 “Power of Partnership"

Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 - 10:00 to Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 - 15:30

How can libraries work with partners and communities to achieve more? How can libraries build strong partnerships? What can libraries learn from others? Library leaders from across the UK will join together to explore these questions and find practical inspiration at our annual seminar on 4 & 5 June 2024.

The event is aimed at Heads of Service and is a great opportunity to:

  • Network with library leaders from across the country.
  • Take inspiration from distinguished speakers including academics, politicians, and businesses.
  • Attend practical workshops led by library experts.
  • Discover new library suppliers in our exhibition area.

This year our seminar programme will explore ‘partnership’ in its widest sense from council departments, to academics, community groups, business, charities, and artists, and consider how libraries can work with others to achieve more.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Dr Daisy Fancourt, Professor of Psychobiology & Epidemiology at University College London and Head of the Social Biobehavioural Research Group.
  • Helen Milner, Group Chief Executive, The Good Things Foundation.
  • Emily Macauley, Head of Delivery and Operations, Connected by Data.
  • Jaselle Edward-Gill, Program Associate, Mozilla Foundation.

We will also stage a series of ignite talks about working together showcasing examples of co-production and/or co-location working well in libraries and run a series of workshops led by libraries and partners.

You can download the event brochure below.

To find out more please contact


Annual Seminar Brochure 2024 'Power of Partnership'

Here is the event brochure for the 2024 Libraries Connected Annual Seminar 'Power of Partnership'