University of East Anglia and Libraries Connected East present research on value of libraries

Thursday, 20 July, 2023 - 13:00 to 15:00

The library services that make up Libraries Connected East have commissioned, facilitated and funded research, with additional support from Arts Council England measuring and estimating the value public libraries provide in the following areas:

• children's literacy

• digital inclusion

• health and wellbeing

At this webinar, the team at Creative UEA (University of East Anglia) will talk through the research they have carried out on the value of public libraries in the East of England, and introduce us to the EVOLS tool for other library services to measure their own impact.

The conclusions are robust and far reaching, showing the impact that libraries can have in these domains alone is significantly more than the cost of delivery - please watch out for the publication of this research later this week. 

The webinar is on 20 July from 1pm to 3pm and you can book places at this link.