Libraries and accessibility: Euan's Guide webinar

Wednesday, 7 December, 2022 - 11:00 to 12:00

Euan’s Guide is the disabled access charity. They are best known for, the disabled access review website where disabled people, their families, friends and carers can find and share the accessibility of venues around the UK and beyond. But they also make tens of thousands of accessible toilets safer, run the UK’s largest Access Survey and lots more.

Their website is a trusted source of disabled access information with tens of thousands of people using Euan’s Guide every month to find and share disabled access information.

Euan’s Guide opens doors for disabled people to find great places to go. By breaking down barriers of exclusion, it gives everyone the freedom to explore.

In this webinar Antonia Lee-Bapty (Managing Director) and Paul Ralph (Access and Inclusion Director) will talk about the importance of disabled access information, share top tips for making your library more accessible and answer questions about access challenges you may have.

Paul Ralph, Access and Inclusion Director at Euan’s Guide says: 

“We know that many libraries have great disabled access and accessible facilities for disabled visitors – please shout about what you’ve got so disabled people feel confident visiting your library!”

Book your free place now via Eventbrite.