Libraries Connected: The benefits

Libraries Connected exists to advocate for the power of libraries, to demonstrate their importance to individuals and communities, and to support library leaders.

Our members benefit from being part of a national body that supports and advocates for their services and provides a forum to share best practice and key learning. At the same time our regional network offers members support from their peers and a forum to share experiences and practice outside of their local authority.

We are committed to working alongside our members to broker partnerships that help develop informed, practical, long-term solutions to the challenges faced by library services across the country. 

We are funded by the Arts Council as the sector support organisation for libraries in England. This gives us the capacity to develop our Universal Offers and lead new strategic projects to benefit all public libraries in England.

Major projects

As a national membership organisation, we are ideally placed to bid for strategic projects that improve the situation for libraries at a structural level. We are building a programme to drive change and improve support for individual libraries that includes: 

  • Know Your Neighbourhood, a £29 million package of funding from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), designed to widen participation in volunteering and tackle loneliness in 27 disadvantaged areas across England 
  • Future Funding programme to help library services to actively develop and deliver income generation strategies for their services


Our members receive additional benefits.

National funding opportunities

As a national membership body, Libraries Connected can secure funding to support library leaders, staff and projects around the country. 

National advocacy platform

Membership of Libraries Connected means that our members are part of the national voice for libraries, with improved access to government decision makers. Membership provides a vital link between library sector leaders and key strategic partners such as Arts Council England, DCMS, Libraries Taskforce, Local Government Association, The Reading Agency, Carnegie UK and British Library. Our advisory group, which involves members from each region and our Universal Offer chairs, also gives members the chance to inform and influence our national agenda.

Training and development

Learning Pool is our flagship training portal, offering free courses to our members on digital skills, working with children and young people, Reading Well Books on Prescription and reader development, among others. We also provide bursaries to library staff to attend national events such as the open internet festival Mozfest, run webinars focusing on key topics such as Future safe return to events and Black Stories Matter, and curate member events such as the Innovation Network gathering to share learning and practice.

National and regional network

Our Heads of Service online network allows library leaders to share expertise and resources in a confidential space. Our national annual seminar brings together library leaders and key partners to network and learn from leading professionals working in the UK and abroad. Our Library Innovators Community and our weekly email updates provide members with the opportunity to find out what’s happening around the country, to share and improve practice and to discuss ideas and issues with an expert audience. Our regional meetings give our members the chance to share information and work across local authority lines and are a valuable support network of fellow professionals.

Commercial funding

Libraries Connected is committed to ensuring that libraries are sustainable in the long term by brokering national relationships with a wide range of organisations and bidding for grants to develop new services and improve our existing offer. We manage the tender process, and provide project management, administrative and communications support for successful bids. We currently hold a government subcontract for the delivery visa support services in libraries. These opportunities enable libraries to continue to expand the service that they provide to their local communities. They also help to reinforce the position of libraries as a vital, essential resource within a competitive local environment.